Thursday, July 22, 2010

One month after

Since the cardiac operation last month, this is my dad’s first meet up again with his cardio. Alhamdulillah, my dad is recuperating well. He is still on the medicine for next several months though.

One thing for sure about dad, he couldn’t wait to resume his normal life. His normal life is spending the time with people and organization he cares about – the charity of orphanage house. After his retirement from government service many years back, most of his time spent on the warfare and development of  orphanage. Even when we met during his check up a day before, he talked about coming to Kuala Lumpur the following week for the charity receiving event for his orphanage. His passionate about it all the time astounding me. I hope that DNA is there dormant in me and will appear in time to come.

When I reflect back about this and to myself, the whole episode is about health, discipline and most important one is financial. We are what we eat. The quality of  food we consume determine our health condition. Where is quality food today?

Cardio disease is a degenerative disease. Cholesterol is the main culprit besides many other things. It is very much related to our life style and food. Cholesterol build up that clogging blood vessel coming from food that we eaten. Today’s sedentary routine in the office contributing more. The whole world know about this fact. The only question is – what I am doing about it? Having knowledge alone is not enough. What we do with the knowledge is important. In fact I am reminding myself!

Discipline – what a word! It is doing what we need to do even if we don’t like it. Sound so simple but not easy to walk this talk. I think if I am discipline enough, I am not sitting here and writing this junk at this moment. I should have been living my dream live now. Relating to health, discipline to eat what suppose to eat and do away with what we shouldn’t are the key. Besides good exercise in a consistent manner will help.

Financial – it goes with out saying!


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