It is not surprising when I asked a few of my colleagues about the books they were last read, some of them could not recall for simply they did it for quite some time ago. Perhaps it is true that today book is not the only the major source of knowledge – internet is another source of information and knowledge. I am not talking about form of information but lack of gut to get knowledge.
I am not that avid book reader. However, ss much as possible I try to complete reading at least one book a month. Since last few months, I have tried to keep up with two books a month. So far I have managed to keep it that way.
Happen to be I have come across a good blog regarding habit of book reading on 14 Ways to Cultivate a Lifetime Reading Habit. I found it so useful. The writer has listed down 14 ways how to get the habit. For me two ways are enough to keep me with at least one book a month.
The first one is set 10 minutes time a day and never miss it. It takes a big gut to keep it. In fact, if we can keep it for a month, most likely we are able to keep it lifetime. The habit is there with us.
Why ten minutes? It is simple. Just apply the law of average here. Let say for ten minutes we are able to read through 5 odd pages. For 30 days, we should be able to complete 150 pages, an average total number of pages per book. Easily we can complete it.
Now the issue is, can we find that 10 minutes? We need to deliberately find that time. Is there any time in our life that we are not waiting?
Than that goes to another item in the 14 lists - Always carry a book. We are always in waiting – waiting for friend, for spouse, for kids etc. If you are using public transport, you have ample luxury of time. Wherever you go, take a book with you. Always look for opportunity of your precious 10 minutes with book.
Only with these two things, it is enough for me to keep the habit.